Apex Legends’ latest update: here is what’s new

Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale-hero shooter game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. Season 14 was released on August 9, 2022, in the latest update of Apex Legends. In this update there were so many changes as in every season, there are balancing changes to many of the game's weapons and heroes. Barrels on Pistols and SMGs were replaced with a new attachment called Laser Sights that reduces hip fire speed. The Bocek Compound Bow receives damage increase from 70 to 60 at full draw and arrows that are fired can no longer be collected. The Wingman can use sniper ammo and magazines. Sniper ammo can now be stacked up to 28 and each ammo box contains 14 rounds instead of the 12.

Battle pass

As there's, a new battle pass in every season this season's battle pass contains new legendary skins for Caustic, Wraith, and the Wingman sidearm. New epic skins for Vantage, Bangalore, and Horizon are available with full sets that complement their new looks. This season's battle pass also features a new music pack, emotes, banner frames, and weapon charms, and what's more interesting is that for the first time, certain challenges can now be completed in the mode of a player’s choice.

Level cap increase

The level of the player has been raised from 500 to 2000. There will be 3 additional tiers of 500 levels which means the maximum level would be level 500 tier 3.

Map rotation

There was a map rotation for public matches. The map rotation was for Storm Point, Olympus, and World’s Edge but Storm Point, and World’s Edge were kept while Olympus was replaced by King Canyon.

Kings Canyon

The return of  Kings Canyon is a major update in the new season Respawn is referring to it as the Reforged Kings Canyon. Since season 5 the two Skull Town and Thunderdome were not a  part of the map they were sunk by a huge blast caused by Loba. However, with a rescue activity complete the areas were reconstructed.  The main reason to bring back was criticism many players' feedback said that Kings Canyon has felt smaller and smaller as the game evolved. Overall, the new Kings map is of a more significant size to let squads breathe while still allowing for fair firefights that don’t favor certain positions of power too much.


The biggest addition to apex legends season 14 is the new Legend Vantage. The real name of Vantage is Xiomara Mara Contreras. She is a survivalist who grew up with her mother on the desolate, icy planet Págos and was Forced to become a hunter to live on the remote planet. Vantage specializes in sniping and her kil revolves around long-range combat. The full kit includes:

 Passive ability: This ability is also known as Spotter's Lens and it is activated whenever the player aims downwards while equipped with a mid to long-range scope or unarmed, the player gets a bullet drop indicator to assist with sorting out where the shots will land.

Tactical ability: This ability also known as Echo Relocation lets the player aim the bat pal Echo before launching towards the spot the player sends him to with the rocket pack.

Ultimate ability: This ability is also known as Snipers mark it Marks enemy targets and applies a damage bonus for you and your team.