Best Healers For Beginners in Overwatch 2

New to Overwatch 2? You are probably confused about what heroes to select. You don't have to worry. We are here to help you with precisely that. Here is our complete guide on the best healers for beginners in Overwatch 2.

Our Selection Criteria

Before we continue to our list, we must let you know that these selections are not the absolute best healers in Overwatch 2. That is based entirely on personal preference and how skilled a player is. In other words, if you are a highly skilled player and prefer a particular playstyle, you might do well with some heroes outside this list.


The heroes mentioned here are for beginners. These heroes have abilities that are easy to use. Those abilities are effective even in the hands of players that are not very skilled and experienced. According to our in-game testing, it is these heroes that beginners will feel most comfortable with and not get too overwhelmed.


Overwatch 2 launched recently, and it launched as a free-to-play title. Because of this, a lot of new players have started playing the game.


There is a high probability that new players entering Overwatch 2 are the ones that have played video games like Apex Legends, Warzone, and Fortnite. What's common in all those video games is that they are highly aim-based, which means that players from those games will most likely have a decent aim.


Overwatch 2 is not solely an aim-based game. However, Ana is a hero that does require good aim. Ana comes equipped with a rifle that heals teammates and damages enemies when shot.


Since this rifle also has a scope, players can heal teammates and damage enemies while staying far from the fight, where Ana might die. Ana's other abilities aren't that difficult to use, either.


While Moira has a lot of abilities, they are simple to use. With her left-click ability, Moira will shoot a yellow beam that heals her teammates. Her right-click ability allows her to shoot a purple beam that damages enemies and heals Moira.


The best part is that Moira has to aim in the general direction of the enemies and teammates, and the beam will automatically travel toward the target. Moira also has a Biotic Orb that heals teammates and damages enemies, depending on which one you selected before shooting it.


Another easy-to-use healing hero in Overwatch 2 is Mercy. However, Mercy is also super effective at higher skill levels. With her primary ability, she locks on to teammates and shoots an energy beam, which either heals them or increases their damage output.


Mercy can also revive teammates. You also don't have to worry about other heroes healing you because Mercy heals herself automatically after 1.5 seconds of not taking any damage.

Final Thoughts

If you are a beginner and are looking for a healer to play in Overwatch 2, you might want to pick the ones that are simple to use. Pick one from our list and see if you are good with them. Before switching heroes, give them at least a week of testing.