Epic Files Appeal ‘Against’ Apple App Store Ruling

In recent news, Epic Games launched a new appeal to its decision on the technology giant’s Apple App Store policy last week.

Reports on Friday showed that the court filed a permanent injunction to prevent Apple from preventing app developers from instructing users to use payment methods other than Apple’s famous App Store.

Apple is known for its strict App Store policies. The company has been working hard to keep breeders out. However, recently, when it finally relaxed its policy, things were not so pleasant for Apple. Cases such as Epic confirm this.

However, although some people think the recent ruling is a loss for Apple, some people think it is a relief.

What also happened in the court was the judge's ruling on the Epic Games 9/10 issue, in which it would have to pay Apple millions of dollars.

Tim Sweeney, the owner of Epic Games, stated that he was “as always determined to continue fighting”.

Apple has strict control over its iOS platform. Most people have begun to regard Apple as a monopoly, and Epic Games is the first company to make this statement.

However, according to reports, Epic was unable to prove this claim.

Epic had previously won the battle with Apple on the grounds of giving up. However, all of a sudden, this time, just before the Apple Event, Epic suddenly withdrew from its case.

The judge of the case, Yvonne Gonzalez-Rogers, commented on Epic’s ruling against Apple, saying that “the court cannot finally conclude that Apple is a monopolist”.

In general, although others condemned this big news, most people think it is a clear victory for Apple. In fact, the technology giant Apple itself described the ruling as a clear victory.

If we look at it from Epic's point of view, this means that Epic's addition of a ban in the system still means that fewer customers can use the in-app payment system provided by Apple. These may account for about 30% of Apple's cut payments.

Ironically, the ruling was made just before the Apple Event was approaching. This may also mean that investors see Apple as solid gold and go crazy to save the company's reputation. This may also mean that covid-19 restrictions are being relaxed, business activities are resuming, and companies like Apple will not have time to face issues such as lawsuits and claims filed by aspiring smaller giants.

With the smooth exit of Brexit and new companies coming to the UK, Apple will have to provide a lot of things this year, which may include not considering any "extra costs."

So far, Apple has received a grace period of 90 days before the ruling. However, whether to appeal or not is still undecided.

This is good news for Apple, and most people will agree that Epic has withdrawn, especially when its own "boss" agrees that it has to "fight with Apple to get it."

Nevertheless, this is good news for Apple and Apple, and it should stay in the league instead of being run around by aspiring little giants like Epic.