How to Win More Matches in Apex Apex Legends - Top Apex Legends Tips

Apex Legends is an easy-to-learn game, but it is hard to master. To help you get better at it, here are our top tips for winning more matches in Apex Legends.

Work on Your Aim

Apex Legends is a first-person shooter at its core. Apex Legends is not like Rainbow Six Siege and Overwatch, where tricks and strategies can sometimes stump good aim. Instead, if you have a good aim in Apex Legends, you will do quite well in most matches.


If you want to win more matches in Apex Legends, probably one of the best things you can do is work on your aiming skills. Load up some aim trainers to get better at aiming, and hop into the Apex Legends firing range to get a better idea of how to control the recoil of popular weapons.

Focus on Teamwork

Besides being an aim-based game, Apex Legends is also a team game, where teamwork matters as much as having good aim does. No matter how good you are at aiming, if you come up against three enemies and they start shooting at you, with your teammates nowhere near to defend you, you won't be able to do anything.


Make sure that you are playing as a team. Make sure that your teammates are near you when you need them and that you are near them when they need you. It might not be easy to focus on teamwork in solo queues, so you should find some teammates to play with regularly.

Avoid Fights for Ranked

If you want to win more matches and rank up in Apex Legends, it doesn't make sense to take on every fight you see. While Apex Legends ranked does reward you a ton of points for killing enemies, they won't multiply if you don't stay alive for longer. If you see a team-fight opportunity where you might get third-partied, you should leave that and focus on fighting in the final circle.

Play More Arena

Not taking on many fights has one major downside, you start losing practice on how to fight in Apex Legends. One of the best ways to get better at team fights in Apex Legends is by playing more Arenas. Another thing you can try is playing casual and taking on all fights you see in sight.

Stay Aware of The Circle

One of the most common mistakes people make while playing ranked in Apex Legends is not focusing on the circle. The circle is much faster this time around and inflicts much more damage. If you are not careful, you might end up in the lobby without a single fight. Always be aware of the circle.

Final Thoughts

The tips mentioned here are some of the most effective for improving your game in Apex Legends. However, you won't be getting any better if you ignore the practice. Make sure you are getting enough practice, and you will start seeing results soon.