The Top Tank Heroes for Beginners in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is one of the most popular games right now because it launched recently and shifted to a free-to-play model. If you are new to Overwatch 2, you probably don't know what heroes are best for you. To help you get started, here is our complete beginner’s guide on the best tank heroes in Overwatch 2.

Our Selection Process

Overwatch 2 has a lot of tank heroes to choose from. The best part about Overwatch 2 is that all heroes in the game have a place. The developers constantly try to balance the game. The developers try to make sure that there are no overpowered heroes and no completely useless heroes.


What all that means is that certain tank heroes will be best for certain situations in Overwatch 2. If you are an experienced player, you might be better off with a hero outside of our list. Our list only includes heroes that would be best suited for beginners.


First up, we have Reinhardt. Reinhardt is one of the best beginner heroes. On top of that, he also performs great at higher skill levels. His most effective ability is the Barrier Field. With this ability, Reinhardt creates a large rectangular shield in front of him and carries it with one hand.


Reinhardt's shield blocks almost all types of projectiles and takes on a ton of damage before breaking. In his other hand, Reinhardt carries a large hammer, which he can swing to damage enemies. Reinhardt is best suited for close-range defensive gameplay, as most of his damage abilities are melee attacks.


Roadhog is another tank hero that is both great for beginners and amazing at higher skill levels. Roadhog has a high-damage primary weapon, which is absolutely insane at close ranges. He can also pull enemies closer to him with his Chain Hook ability. He also has a super powerful ultimate that can destroy multiple enemies.


However, what makes Roadhog soo great for beginners is that he is much more forgiving. The main reason is that Roadhog has a ton of hp. On top of that, he is also one of the few tank heroes that can heal themselves.


If you don't prefer to play as close range as you have to with Reinhardt and Roadhog, you can try out Orisa. Orisa's primary attack ability is the Fusion Driver, which is a type of gun that shoots projectiles. She also comes equipped with an Energy Javelin that she can throw at enemies, inflicting damage and stunning them.


Orisa is super beginner friendly because she does not have a lot of complicated abilities. All you do with Orisa is shoot with the Fusion Driver and block with the Javelin Spin. Besides that, she has the Energy Javelin and Fortify, which are both very simple to use.

Final Thoughts

If you are a beginner, you can try Reinhardt, Roadhog, or Orisa if you like to play as a tank. However, make sure you spend at least a week on a hero before switching.