Sea of Thieves is a famous action-adventure game developed by Rare and published by Microsoft Studios, it was launched in 2018. The main character is a pirate who completes voyages from different trading companies. Season six of the Sea of Pirates was released on March 10, 2022. The latest update brings new on-demand encounters as six new haunted Sea Forts. As soon as players storm the fort they will engage in combat with phantom soldiers. Those soldiers hold a special treasury key for a room containing skulls, chests, and more. In the latest update, there are new options in the Renown Track, the plundered pass is back, and new weapons are available from The emissary ledgers, The arena mode was designed to offer a competitive option but it is no longer available because only 2% of players' time was spent in the arena mode so there no longer was a need to continue it, new emporium costumes and emotes, new adventures and the most important thing Accessibility features are improved and thanks to that players can now turn on labels for the fish they are catching. Previously this process had to be done exclusively by identifying the model. The narration mode of the game has been improved too, the mode will now completely depict the title screen and tell a player their wallet balance while they shop.
New options in the Renown track
A new seasonal Renown track comes with every season of Sea of thieves. The players will be rewarded with ancient coins, gold, doubloons, and new cosmetic items as they journey the sea and complete quests. A large number of these items are spring-themed, including the egg-molded Springshell Pocketwatch and the bunny-themed Fighting warren cannons. There is also a set of Naval Commander clothing which has a red and gold color scheme.
The Plunderer pass
As the players earn rewards by gaining the Renown plunderer pass will enhance those rewards and the players who buy this premium pass will get the Forests of blessing costume which changes as the player advances along the track.
New Weapons
In the new season, every Emissary Ledger can now unlock a new skin for the Blunderbuss and the Eye of Reach. There are five trading companies to choose from, one of them is Athena's fortune which is only accessible to the pirates of legendary status. Athena's fortune is different from the other four trading companies in season six. This season it awards cannons, sails, and flags instead of weapon skins.
New costumes and emotes
In every season of Sea of Thieves, the Pirate Emporium adds new items for players to buy in the game. In season six several outfits, weapon sets, and ship livery are available. The Islehopper Outlaw costume includes a purple and brown color variety and has a built-in banjo-smashing emote. The Jolly Jiggle emote is accessible to all players.